MAB Discovery GmbH
Tassilostraße 2 | 82398 Polling / Germany
Fon: +49 881 / 39908939 | Fax: +49 881 / 39908941
Mail: info@mabdiscovery.com
Internet: www.mabdiscovery.com
CEO: Dr. Stephan Fischer
Registration Court: Amtsgericht München | Commercial Register Number: HRB 188741
Place of Jurisdiction: Munich
VAT ID: DE275076645
Responsible for Content: Dr. Stephan Fischer
Liability: All efforts were made to ensure the correctness of all information and links contained in this website. Due to the specificity of the internet medium and the risk of interruption or cancellation of information transmission, however, any liability related to the use of the information, the links or the trust in their correctness is excluded.
Copyright 2018. The copyright to the contents of this website or any parts of it belongs to MAB Discovery GmbH.